To Supercharge Your Secret Energy isn’t a mysterious process!
It’s actually as scientific as getting enough exercise and eating well.
The key to finding this secret balance is understanding it.
Witnessing where you’ve put in too much energy and where not enough is the secret sauce to supercharging your life.
Of course you already know that within each of us lies great possibilities.
Indeed, how do you unlock the secrets to awakening your highest potential?
Recall who you’ve met in life who has that great star power attractive energy?
It’s an elusive energy but there’s something striking that makes us want to be around them and be their friend.
What’s the secret to these superstar vibes felt radiating from this rare breed?
Let me share their secret with you. …and it may not be what you think.
No one’s perfect. But some people have the edge on it! Some are more naturally adapted to finding life balance than others.
That’s OK.
It’s not like we’re taught in school how to achieve work-life balance or what that even means.
But lack of balance is the likely the main reason you’re flailing. The scale has been tipped too far to one side.
If you want to have any chance at that amazing secret energy, you must re-balance your scales.
If you’re like most hard working individuals, you’ve have focused on the growth of your business. As entrepreneurs you’re told you don’t really have a choice but to work, work, work.
This simply isn’t true! When you take care of your physical, mental and emotional needs, everything else can fall into place. This isn’t to say don’t work hard. Rather it’s all about working smart!
Knowing that in order to stay mentally on top of your game you need to be physically healthy. Because lets face it, if your body is in pain, you’re going to have a really difficult time focusing and being highly productive.
Imagine having the energy to get all your work done efficiently and still have energy for play time!
Achieving the life balance you need in order to accomplish your goals is the secret to supercharge your energy.
…so that you too can be one of those rare people that just oozes forth good vibes
and attracts great people and things!
Here’s How to Supercharge Your Secret Energy:
Simple Steps to Maxing Your Good Energy
Your Physical You…
Sitting at a desk all day does quite a number on your body over time. Maybe you’re only now starting to feel some joint pain manifesting. Or perhaps you’ve been dealing with chronic pain your entire career. The time is now to stop back pain from holding you back.
Some ideas for improving balance in the physical domain would be to incorporate a stand up workstation in your office. This is helpful for undoing some of the damage caused by sitting and giving you more long term energy.
Activities like yoga and Pilates focus on movement with breath, and we can carry this practice into our work routines also. When you’re feeling brain fog or lethargy in your work, just stop what your doing, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, filling your entire belly and lungs with air and releasing all of it in when you exhale.
Maintaining awareness of your alignment is crucial if you want to avoid neck and back pain. Keep a straight spine and engage your core muscles to take some of the tension out of your lower back.
Last but not least, you know yourself best, when you need a break, take a break. You’ll come back to your desk refreshed and ready to be productive.
Remember the Pareto principle, 80% of your results or effects come from 20% of their causes. Implementing this principle in business and our daily lives can lead to more efficiency and a greater capacity to focus on the things causing the most positive results. Perhaps instead of checking email 3 times per day, we could dwindle it down to one and use the free time to create something which will give us better results down the line.
Your Mental You…
Keeping your mental health in check means making sure you’re not sacrificing fun times and activities that make you happy for ones that don’t. To put it bluntly, fun and a feeling of freedom of choice is probably the reason you chose to be an entrepreneur instead of opting for the classic 9-5 employee regime. Don’t forget what your motivations were when you got into running your own business.
Find the activities you love to do and do them. This will alleviate most of your depression and anxiety regarding work. Stop worrying about what if and start remembering that balance is key. You can have fun and still be productive, I know it’s not what we’re taught as entrepreneurs, but blood, sweat and tears can only get you so far.
Your Emotional You…
Emotions are tricky, because you know feelings aren’t facts, yet you can’t just ignore them can you! Deep down everyone experiences self doubt, worry, regret, coming to terms with these emotions is the first step to eliminating them from holding us back.
Healthy handling of your emotions can be as simple as taking the time to write in a journal, even just once a week. Honestly look at the sentiments you’ve been experiencing and try to find their root cause. This simple exercise brings so much clarity and greater understanding of where the emotions are coming from. Maybe you don’t feel like you have it in you to be a successful entrepreneur, even though so far you’ve been doing great. Where does this stem from? Childhood? Perhaps a teacher who berated you and made you feel like you’d never be good enough. Once you know the origins of an emotion it’s a lot easier to let it go and move forward. Research on journaling has shown that it can help to reduce stress, clarify thoughts and feelings and resolve conflict with others.
Your Secret Energy Tip: Meditation – taking time to feel within
Your mental health is tied in directly with our physical and emotional health. If any of these areas are being ignored, the rest will suffer. Meditation or deep breathing practices are great for balancing all three areas. In the physical sense, meditation can take you out of the reptilian brain which triggers when your body goes into “fight or flight” stress mode. Meditation can help reduce stress and ease anxiety and over thinking that you may be experiencing. Emotionally, it often takes slowing down and consciously seeing your emotional triggers in order to clarify your emotions and understand yourself better. In the grand scheme of things there isn’t much separation between your mind, body and emotions at all, which only emphasizes the importance of finding your life balance.
Infographic authored by Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality. To view the original post, Free Infographic: How to Meditate.